Thursday, February 22, 2007

A pretentious alcoholic named Hemmingway

I feel like a man-hating pessimist so far in this class, but that is not who I am. I swear. That being said, it seems as though Hemmingway has pedestaled himself into greater importance than neccesary. Please tell me I am not the only one who feels this way! His Nick Adams stories are interesting enough, but they felt so diconnecting. Nick Adams is an averagish (not a word, I know) kind of guy. He doesn't do or say anything utterly brilliant or original. He does normal things. He gets drunk with his friend, he breaks up with his girlfriend but is indecisive about his decision, etc. In all honesty, he is a rather dull character. Here enters the vignettes. My take on Hemmingway's purpose for these vignettes is to prepare the reader for a specific type of reaction. Though the stories and the vignettes seem unrelated at first glance, there is a common emotion being diplayed. Sometimes it is anger, outrage, disbelief, sadness, or humor. Maybe Hemminway realized his stories lacked a connection and thought, "Oh, crap. I better find a way to peak my readers' curiosity." Or maybe he really IS a genius and I have completely missed it.

1 comment:

Melinda said...

The picture I got of Nick was that he was this real boy growing into a man who is trying to figure out masculinity, He doesn't say very much maybe because the pieces don't make sense to him. How does one verbalize that? Men are not suppose to say very much, at this time they are doers, survivors--- manly men. There is a sensitive side that we see in Nick very early on when he talks to his dad about the pain the woman is feeling during childbirth. Nick seems pensive and concerned and thoughtful and sensitive and confused. I think it's pretty heavy stuff trying to figure out how to be brave, how to grow up earning respect and what to do with the pieces that are thrown at you (ready or not) and how to come out on the other side okay. Hemmingway stirs the pot with characters that are believable. Just a thought.